"Tradicija i suvremenost" projekt je godišnjih natječajnih izložbi dječjih likovnih radova koje su bile organizirane od strane Udruge hrvatskih učitelja likovne izobrazbe (UHULI) u razdoblju 2001.-2020. godine i uključivale škole iz cijele Hrvatske. Od 2021. godine Muzej Mimara ponosno nastavlja promovirati ovaj hvalevrijedni projekt u obliku interaktivnih virtualnih izložbi na svojim web stranicama te u medijima. Projekt "Otvori oči i vidi svijet" trajni je pregled i prezentacija dosadašnjih virtualnih izložbi "Tradicija i suvremenost".
"Tradition and Contemporarity" is a project of annual competition exhibitions of children's artworks that were organized by the Association of Croatian Art Teachers (UHULI) in the period 2001-2020, and included schools from all over Croatia. From 2021 onwards, the Mimara Museum in Zagreb proudly continues to promote this laudable project in the form of interactive virtual exhibitions on its website and in the media. The project Open your eyes and see the world is a permanent presentation of the previous virtual exhibitions "Tradition and Modernity".
"Tradicija i suvremenost" projekt je godišnjih natječajnih izložbi dječjih likovnih radova koje su bile organizirane od strane Udruge hrvatskih učitelja likovne izobrazbe (UHULI) u razdoblju 2001.-2020. godine i uključivale škole iz cijele Hrvatske. Od 2021. godine Muzej Mimara ponosno nastavlja promovirati ovaj hvalevrijedni projekt u obliku interaktivnih virtualnih izložbi na svojim web stranicama te u medijima. Projekt "Otvori oči i vidi svijet" trajni je pregled i prezentacija dosadašnjih virtualnih izložbi "Tradicija i suvremenost".
"Tradition and Contemporarity" is a project of annual competition exhibitions of children's artworks that were organized by the Association of Croatian Art Teachers (UHULI) in the period 2001-2020, and included schools from all over Croatia. From 2021 onwards, the Mimara Museum in Zagreb proudly continues to promote this laudable project in the form of interactive virtual exhibitions on its website and in the media. The project Open your eyes and see the world is a permanent presentation of the previous virtual exhibitions "Tradition and Modernity".
Odaberite iz arhive izložbi Choose from the exhibition archive:
Zaštita prirodnog okoliša i biološke raznolikosti u likovnom izričaju djece
The Protection of the Natural Environment and Biological Diversity in the Artistic Expression of Pupils
Osnovni podaci
naziv izložbe:Tradicija i suvremenost: Zaštita prirodnog okoliša i biološke raznolikosti u likovnom izričaju djece
trajanje: 1. – 31. prosinca 2020.
opis: Godišnja izložba dječjih likovnih radova u organizaciji Udruge hrvatskih učitelja likovne izobrazbe (UHULI), s tematikom zaštite prirodnog okoliša i biološke raznolikosti.
exhibition title:Tradition and Contemporarity: The Protection of the Natural Environment and Biological Diversity in the Artistic Expression of Pupils
duration: Dec 1–31, 2020
description: Annual exhibition of children's artworks organized by the Association of Croatian Art Education Teachers (UHULI), with the theme of protecting the natural environment and biological diversity.
Čast nam je što danas ovdje s vama u Muzeju Mimara, svjedočimo dvadesetoj izložbi Tradicija i suvremenost koja se ove godine otvara u virtualnom okruženju.
Budući da su ove godine naši učenice i učenici nastavu pratili na daljinu iz svojih domova zbog epidemije Covid-a 19, a u želji da i ove godine Tradicija i suvremenost zablista u punini stvaralaštva brojnih mladih kreativaca, produžili smo rok za dostavu njihovih likovnih radova do početka listopada 2020.
Udruga hrvatskih učitelja likovne izobrazbe (UHULI) kontinuirano već 20 godina, održava natječaj Tradicija i suvremenost, 17 godina uz podršku Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja, a posljednjih godina uz pomoć Ministarstva kulture, Gradskog ureda za kulturu grada Zagreba i uz pomoć entuzijastičnih članova udruge.
Time smo dosegli dvadesetu godinu djelovanja s kojom završavamo naš rad na ovom projektu. Udruga hrvatskih učitelja likovne izobrazbe okuplja one koji vjeruju u razvoj umjetnosti i u snagu likovnog obrazovanja u razvoju ljudskih potencijala.
Natječaj i izložba je tijekom ovih dvadeset godina imala za cilj pridonijeti upoznavanju i očuvanju tradicije i nacionalnog blaga kod djece i učenika, nastojeći ih potaknuti na vlastito stvaralaštvo i istraživački rad. Propitkujući lokalna, a preko lokalnih i univerzalna te globalna iskustva, ponukani su da prepoznaju i uvažavaju kulturne raznolikosti radi postizanja razumijevanja i odgovornosti te razvijanja kritičkoga, kreativnoga i skrbnoga mišljenja.
Cilj je natječaja i izložbe da učenici svojim crtežima, kolažima, slikama, reljefima i skulpturama izraze ljepotu hrvatske nacionalne baštine. Kroz likovni izričaj upoznaju svoju domovinu kako bi u multikulturnom svijetu koji ih okružuje sačuvali svoj nacionalni identitet te razvili svijest o bogatstvu i raznolikosti kulturnih baština i identiteta, kao neprocjenjivih vrijednosti u suvremenim globalizacijskim procesima.
I ove su godine sudjelovale škole, nastavnici i učenici, čiji radovi unose svježe ideje o poučavanju i učenju,nove inicijative koje nas nadahnjuju u radu s djecom. Ovdje smo da bismo svjedočili o važnosti učitelja u postignućima učenika. Postignuća učenika podrazumijevaju samosvijest pojedinca, njegovo snalaženje u središtu podsvjesnih, skrivenih i novootkrivenih ideja.
Natječaju se odazvalo 80 osnovnih škola i 4 centra za djecu s posebnim potrebama. Pristiglo je 816 učeničkih radova, a 223 rada su odabrana za izložbu. Povjerenstvo za prosudbu odabralo je najbolje radove, dodijelilo 10 nagrada i 20 pohvala učenicima te diplome likovnim pedagozima i školama.
U ime Udruge hrvatskih učitelja likovne izobrazbe (UHULI), zahvaljujemo svima koji su svih dvadeset godina sudjelovali u ovom projektu, a time i u poticanju i odražavanju kreativnog promišljanja i bogatstva izražavanja naših učenica i učenika.
Emil Robert Tanay
It is an honour to be with you here in the Mimara Museum, bearing witness to the 20th exhibition of Tradition and Contemporarity, which this year is being opened in a virtual setting.
Given that our pupils had their classes remotely from their homes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we extended the deadline for delivering their artworks to the beginning of November 2020 so that this year, once again, Tradition and Contemporarity can shine with the full creativity of the many young artists.
The Croatian Association of Art Educators (UHULI) has organised the Tradition and Contemporarity exhibition for 20 consecutive years, 17 of which have been with the support of the Ministry of Science and Education, while the last years have been with the help of the Ministry of Culture and Media, the Office of Culture of the City of Zagreb and with support from enthusiastic members of the association.
Thus we have managed to reach the 20th year of work with which we close our time on this project. The Croatian Association of Art Educators brings together those who believe in the development of art and the strength of art education in developing human potential.
During the last twenty years the competition and exhibition have helped to introduce children and pupils to their tradition and national heritage, thereby also preserving it whilst inspiring their own creativity and curiosity. By investigating local experiences, and via the local also the universal and global experiences, they are encouraged to recognise and value cultural differences, thus attaining understanding and responsibility and developing critical, creative and caring thought.
The purpose of the competition and exhibition is to enable pupils to express with their drawings, collages, paintings, reliefs and sculptures the beauty of Croatian national heritage. Through their artistic expression they discover their homeland and preserve their national identity in a multicultural world thus developing their awareness of the richness and diversity of cultural heritage and identity, as priceless values in contemporary globalisation processes.
This year again schools, teachers and pupils took part, and their artworks bring fresh ideas on teaching and learning as well as new initiatives that inspire us in our work with children. We are here to bear witness to the importance of teachers in the achievements of pupils. The achievements of pupils show a self-awareness of the individual and their ability to manoeuvre in the middle of subconscious, hidden and newly discovered ideas.
A total of 80 schools and 4 centres for children with special needs took part in the competition with 816 pupils’ artworks of which 223 artworks were chosen for the exhibition. The judging panel chose the best works, gave out 10 awards and 20 honourable mentions to pupils as well as awarding diplomas to their art pedagogues and schools.
In the name of the Croatian Association of Art Educators (UHULI), we would like to thank all of those that have taken part in this project over the last twenty years, and with it encouraged and reflected the creative thinking and wealth of expression of our pupils.
kataloški podaci: Za prikaz detaljnih kataloških podataka uz svaki rad u videu, uključite podnaslove klikom na ikonicu za titlove ( ili ) u donjem desnom uglu playera.
poglavlja: Ovisno o uređaju na kojem gledate video, prelaskom preko vremenske trake playera prikazuju se i poglavlja za svaki zaseban rad, s odgovarajućim imenom autora, za brži i lakši "skok" do određenog rada. Poglavlja su također navedena i u obliku vremenskih oznaka u opisu ispod videa, ukoliko se video gleda direktno na Youtube stranici ili aplikaciji.
Praćenje uz prijepis (Transcript): Ukoliko video gledate na Youtube stranici ili aplikaciji, niže u opisu videa kliknite na gumb "Prikaži prijepis" (Show transcript), koji otvara dodatni prateći prozorčić s listom kataloških podataka za svaki rad, a klik na određeni red u listi vodi na referentni rad u sâmom videu.
Pratite podatke o radovima dok gledate video!
Viewing tips:
Catalogue information: To display detailed catalog information for each artwork in the video, turn on subtitles by clicking on the closed captions icon ( or ) in the lower right corner of the player.
Chapters: Depending on the device you are watching the video on, hovering over the timeline displays chapters for each separate artwork, with the corresponding author's name, for a faster and easier "jump" to a specific work. The chapters are also listed in the form of time stamps in the description box below the video, if the video is viewed directly on the YouTube page or application.
Follow along using the transcript: If you watch the video on the YouTube page or application, click on the "Show transcript" button below in the video description box, which opens an accompanying list of catalog data for each work. Clicking on a specific line in the list jumps to the referenced artwork's timestamp in the video.
Follow the information about the artworks while watching the video!
Snimka prezentacije (Tour mode): video prikazuje snimak prolaska kroz sve izložene radove, u môdu prezentacije (tzv. "Tour mode"), odnosno redoslijedom postava.
Tour mode video: this video shows all exhibited artworks in presentation style ("Tour mode"), that is, the artworks are displayed in their automated order.
Snimka "slobodne šetnje" (Free mode): video prikazuje snimak "slobodne šetnje" kroz sve prostorije izložbe, s pauzom za svaki izloženi rad. Redoslijed je nešto slobodniji, no pregledno prati prostorije i postav.
"Free" mode video: this version of the video shows a "free stroll" style of presentation, where each room is explored freely, but each artwork is still accentuated, for a clear and informative presentation.
naziv izložbe: Tradicija i suvremenost — Izložbe dječjih radova 2001.-2020.
trajanje: 6. rujna 2021. – 6. veljače 2022.
opis: 20-godišnji pregled izložbi dječjih likovnih radova koje su bile organizirane od strane Udruge hrvatskih učitelja likovne izobrazbe (UHULI) svake godine u razdoblju 2001.-2020. godine i uključivale škole iz cijele Hrvatske.
exhibition title: Tradition and Contemporarity — Exhibitions of Children's Artworks 2001-2020
duration: Sept 6, 2021 – Feb 6, 2022
description: 20-year retrospective view of exhibitions of children's artworks that were annually organized by the Association of Croatian Art Teachers (UHULI) in the period from 2001-2020, and included schools from all over Croatia.
naziv izložbe: Tradicija i suvremenost — Izložbe dječjih radova 2001.-2020.
trajanje: 6. rujna 2021. – 6. veljače 2022.
opis: 20-godišnji pregled izložbi dječjih likovnih radova koje su bile organizirane od strane Udruge hrvatskih učitelja likovne izobrazbe (UHULI) svake godine u razdoblju 2001.-2020. godine i uključivale škole iz cijele Hrvatske.
exhibition title: Tradition and Contemporarity — Exhibitions of Children's Artworks 2001-2020
duration: Sept 6, 2021 – Feb 6, 2022
description: 20-year retrospective view of exhibitions of children's artworks that were annually organized by the Association of Croatian Art Teachers (UHULI) in the period from 2001-2020, and included schools from all over Croatia.
Virtualna izložba "Tradicija i suvremenost – izložbe dječjih radova – 2001.–2020." bogat je pregled uspješnog, hvalevrijednog projekta kojega je 20 godina vodio akademski slikar profesor emeritus Emil Robert Tanay na čelu UHULI kojega je bio predsjednikom, Projekt je kroz 17 godina imao podršku Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja, a posljednjih godina i pomoć Ministarstva kulture, Gradskog ureda za kulturu grada Zagreba i pomoć entuzijastičnih članova udruge. Izložbe su se od 2001. do 2019. održale u Muzeju Mimara - tijekom dva desetljeća svake se godine odazvalo 200 do 300 osnovnih škola i Centara za odgoj i obrazovanje; godišnje je pristiglo između 2000 i 5000 tisuća radova. Na završnim izložbama u muzeju Mimara bilo je izloženo 7.955 likovnih radova učenika. Virtualna izložba kojoj su u 2020. sudbinu, nažalost, odredili pandemija COVIDA-19 i potres, prezentirana je na mrežnim stranicama Muzeja Mimara.
Bit potke tkanja ovog projekta prof. Tanay je istaknuo lani u prigodi izložbe organizirane za 20. obljetnicu njegove prezentacije: “Natječaj i izložba je tijekom ovih dvadeset godina imala za cilj pridonijeti upoznavanju i očuvanju tradicije i nacionalnog blaga kod djece i učenika, nastojeći ih potaknuti na vlastito stvaralaštvo i istraživački rad. Propitkujući lokalna, a preko lokalnih i univerzalna te globalna iskustva, ponukani su da prepoznaju i uvažavaju kulturne raznolikosti radi postizanja razumijevanja i odgovornosti te razvijanja kritičkoga, kreativnoga i skrbnoga mišljenja.
Cilj je natječaja i izložbe da učenici svojim crtežima, kolažima, slikama, reljefima i skulpturama izraze ljepotu hrvatske nacionalne baštine. Kroz likovni izričaj upoznaju svoju domovinu kako bi u multikulturnom svijetu koji ih okružuje sačuvali svoj nacionalni identitet te razvili svijest o bogatstvu i raznolikosti kulturnih baština i identiteta, kao neprocjenjivih vrijednosti u suvremenim globalizacijskim procesima.“
U ovoj prigodi sa zadovoljstvom ističemo kako nas posebice raduje istaknuti značaj dugogodišnje suradnje s profesorom Tanayem iskazane kroz njegov pedagoški rad. Snažna ličnost Emila Roberta Tanaya, oplemenjena njegovom nemjerljivom susretljivošću, omogućila je da na jednome mjestu sagledamo temelje i rezultate rada onih koji uče, koji žele znati i koji teže nesputano razvijati osobni izričaj. Generacije mladih upravo su kroz tu predanost upoznale svu čaroliju svijeta umjetnosti. Zajednički rad s brojnim sjajnim nastavnicima likovne umjetnosti koji su predanim pedagoškim radom sudjelovali u ovom besprijekorno vođenom i organiziranom dugogodišnjem projektu svake je godine iznova rađala novim, nezaboravnim kreativnim uzletima.
Muzej Mimara, domaćin ovim izložbama dječjeg stvaralaštva, sa zadovoljstvom je prihvatio prijedlog i želju profesora Tanaya da od 2021. prihvati organizaciju ovog projekta. Neka nam, stoga, polazištem budućim izložbama bude ova virtualna prezentacija koja nam omogućava jedinstven pregled ostvarenja tijekom protekla dva desetljeća koja se može pogledati na stranicama Muzeja Mimara od 6. rujna 2021. do 6. veljače 2022.
mr. sc. Lada Ratković Bukovčan, ravnateljica Muzeja Mimara
Virtual exhibition "Tradition and modernity - exhibitions of children's works - 2001-2020." is a rich overview of a successful, commendable project that was led for 20 years by the academic painter professor emeritus Emil Robert Tanay at the head of UHULI, of which he was the president. The project had the support of the Ministry of Science and Education for 17 years, and in recent years the help of the Ministry of Culture, the City Office for the culture of the city of Zagreb and the help of enthusiastic members of the association. Exhibitions were held in the Mimara Museum from 2001 to 2019 - for two decades, 200 to 300 elementary schools and education centers responded every year; between 2,000 and 5,000 works were received annually. At the final exhibitions in the Mimara Museum, 7,955 art works by students were exhibited. The virtual exhibition, whose fate in 2020 was unfortunately determined by the COVID-19 pandemic and the earthquake, is presented on the website of the Mimara Museum.
The essence of the weaving of this project by prof. Tanay pointed out last year on the occasion of the exhibition organized for the 20th anniversary of his presentation: "During these twenty years, the competition and exhibition aimed to contribute to the familiarization and preservation of tradition and national treasures among children and students, trying to encourage them to their own creativity and research work. Probing local, and via local, universal and global experiences, they are encouraged to recognize and respect cultural diversity in order to achieve understanding and responsibility and develop critical, creative and caring thinking.
The aim of the competition and exhibition is for students to express the beauty of Croatian national heritage with their drawings, collages, paintings, reliefs and sculptures. Through artistic expression, they get to know their homeland in order to preserve their national identity in the multicultural world that surrounds them and develop an awareness of the richness and diversity of cultural heritage and identity, as invaluable values in contemporary globalization processes.
On this occasion, we are pleased to point out that we are particularly pleased to highlight the significance of the long-term cooperation with Professor Tanay, expressed through his pedagogical work. The strong personality of Emil Robert Tanay, ennobled by his immeasurable friendliness, made it possible to see in one place the foundations and results of the work of those who learn, who want to know and who strive to develop their personal expression unfettered. It was through this commitment that generations of young people got to know all the magic of the world of art. Joint work with numerous great art teachers who participated in this impeccably managed and organized long-term project with dedicated pedagogical work gave birth to new, unforgettable creative ups and downs every year.
The Mimara Museum, the host of these exhibitions of children's creativity, was pleased to accept Professor Tanay's proposal and desire to accept the organization of this project from 2021. Therefore, let this virtual presentation be the starting point for future exhibitions, which provides us with a unique overview of achievements over the past two decades, which can be viewed on the pages of the Mimara Museum from September 6, 2021 to February 6, 2022.
Lada Ratković Bukovčan, M.A., director of the Mimara Museum
kataloški podaci: Za prikaz detaljnih kataloških podataka uz svaki rad u videu, uključite podnaslove klikom na ikonicu za titlove ( ili ) u donjem desnom uglu playera.
poglavlja: Ovisno o uređaju na kojem gledate video, prelaskom preko vremenske trake playera prikazuju se i poglavlja za svaki zaseban rad, s odgovarajućim imenom autora, za brži i lakši "skok" do određenog rada. Poglavlja su također navedena i u obliku vremenskih oznaka u opisu ispod videa, ukoliko se video gleda direktno na Youtube stranici ili aplikaciji.
Praćenje uz prijepis (Transcript): Ukoliko video gledate na Youtube stranici ili aplikaciji, niže u opisu videa kliknite na gumb "Prikaži prijepis" (Show transcript), koji otvara dodatni prateći prozorčić s listom kataloških podataka za svaki rad, a klik na određeni red u listi vodi na referentni rad u sâmom videu.
Pratite podatke o radovima dok gledate video!
Viewing tips:
Catalogue information: To display detailed catalog information for each artwork in the video, turn on subtitles by clicking on the closed captions icon ( or ) in the lower right corner of the player.
Chapters: Depending on the device you are watching the video on, hovering over the timeline displays chapters for each separate artwork, with the corresponding author's name, for a faster and easier "jump" to a specific work. The chapters are also listed in the form of time stamps in the description box below the video, if the video is viewed directly on the YouTube page or application.
Follow along using the transcript: If you watch the video on the YouTube page or application, click on the "Show transcript" button below in the video description box, which opens an accompanying list of catalog data for each work. Clicking on a specific line in the list jumps to the referenced artwork's timestamp in the video.
Follow the information about the artworks while watching the video!
Snimka prezentacije (Tour mode): video prikazuje snimak prolaska kroz sve izložene radove, u môdu prezentacije (tzv. "Tour mode"), odnosno redoslijedom postava.
Tour mode video: this video shows all exhibited artworks in presentation style ("Tour mode"), that is, the artworks are displayed in their automated order.
Snimka "slobodne šetnje" (Free mode): video prikazuje snimak "slobodne šetnje" kroz sve prostorije izložbe, s pauzom za svaki izloženi rad. Redoslijed je nešto slobodniji, no pregledno prati prostorije i postav.
"Free" mode video: this version of the video shows a "free stroll" style of presentation, where each room is explored freely, but each artwork is still accentuated, for a clear and informative presentation.
Cilj natječaja i izložbe bio je sadržajno povezati graditeljstvo i okruženje kao skup različitih likovno-problemskih zadataka s kreativnim sposobnostima mišljenja i odnosom učenika prema arhitekturi i očuvanju hrvatske prirodne baštine. Time se učenike potaknulo na traženje neobičnih rješenja različitih likovnih problema i projiciranje iz sadašnjega u buduće vrijeme, te na razvijanje mašte kojom se može graditi budućnost.
Ovaj je cilj nadahnuo potragu za neobičnim rješenjima raznih umjetničkih problema. Lansiranjem iz sadašnjosti u budućnost razvilo se obilje mašte s kojim je moguće stvarati već danas.
Govorimo li o danas, govorimo o Zemlji u cjelini, kao prostoru koji sadrži vodu, zrak, hranu. Govorimo i o tlu na kojem zamišljamo, planiramo i gradimo svoje nastambe. Učenici ne traže već nalaze uzore u arhitekturi klasičnih materijala, kamena, drva, opeke. Uzore nalaze u prirodnim zakonima i odnosima volumena i prostora, kojima pridodaju osjećaj osobne dinamike. Poznati oblici koje dijete promatra razvijaju se i mijenjaju dok ono stvara. Mijenjanjem oblika mijenja se i prostor u kojem volumeni pulsiraju.
Djeca svojim izražavanjem povezuju postojeće s nepostojećim, moguće s nemogućim. Njihove vizije postat će naša stvarnost koja je tu, zahvaljujući njima, već danas.
Emil Robert Tanay
Building While Preserving the Existing Architecture
The goal of the competition and the exhibition was to link construction and the environment seen as different art and problem tasks with creative thinking skills and the pupils' attitude towards architecture and the preservation of Croatian natural heritage. This prompted pupils to find unusual solutions to various artistic challenges and to project from present into the future as well as develop the imagination that can envisage the future.
This goal inspired a search for peculiar solutions to various artistic problems. Projecting from the present moment into the future develops abundant imagination with which it is possible to create future today.
When we contemplate on today, we are considering the Earth as a whole, as a space containing water, air, food. We are considering the soil on which we are imagining, planning and constructing our homes. Pupils are not actively searching but are instead discovering ideals in the architecture of classical materials, stone, wood and brick. They are chancing upon models in natural laws and the relationships of volume and space to which they add a sense of their personal dynamics. The familiar shapes that the child observes evolve and change as the child uses them in the creative process. By changing the shapes, the space in which the mass pulsates changes as well.
In their expression, children connect the existing with the non-existent, the possible with the impossible. Their visions will become our reality, which, thanks to them is already here today.
Sigurno utočište, toplina doma i pouzdanog okružja, razigrani susreti s djelima bujnog stvaralaštva dodirnutog tradicijom i susretima s baštinom prošlih stoljeća – gusto su satkan svijet kojime gotovo po navici, ponekad i površno, ponekad u brzini, prolazimo sigurni da je zauvijek tu za nas. No, sudbina se često poigra s našim sigurnim kutcima i podsjeti nas kako je potrebno čvrsto obujmiti, čuvati i štititi dano nam nasljeđe. Potresi koji su 2020. tako grubo ranili Zagreb i okolna mjesta, potom Petrinju, Sisak te cijelu Banovinu, u trenu su nas i bez pripreme suočili s iznenadnom okrutnošću ponekad nam nesklone prirode.
I opet je, kao i nebrojeno puta, potrebno u bujnim vrtlozima dječjeg stvaralaštva i neiscrpne kreativnosti potražiti utjehu i vjeru. Samo predanošću i ljubavlju prema prirodi i zdanjima koja su posvećenošću, pažnjom i znanjem satkale neke druge generacije neimara, moguće je opet iznova krenuti u ostvarenja želja i snova i stvaranje uvijek boljeg, ljepšeg i sigurnijeg svijeta.
Utkati već zarana u spoznaje mladih naraštaja svu toplinu i dubinu značaja tradicije izuzetno je zahtjevan, ali istovremeno plemenit zadatak predanog pedagoškog rada u svakodnevici spoznaja te šetnji razigranim labirintima dječje mašte, koji su svojim radom prenosili prof. emeritus Emil Robert Tanay, UHULI i nastavnici likovnog odgoja, potičući tako u svim kutcima naše domovine onu mladima danu želju za upijanjem bujnosti svakog životnog trenutka. Upravo u toj vjeri da će iz svih tih spoznaja izrasti poštovanje, ljubav i želja za očuvanjem tradicije, poštovanje prema baštini i razumijevanje za njezino čuvanje i očuvanje (!), nastala su djela iznikla iz prebogata kaleidoskopa mašte, kroz godine satkanog u gustu mrežu neuhvatljive kreativnosti, prenzentiranu u sklopu ciklusa izložaba "Tradicija i suvremenost".
Gotovo bismo mogli nazvati sudbinskom motiviku koju u sebi nose izložbe "Gradimo – čuvajući baštinu i prirodu u kojoj živimo" (2014. i 2016.), "Očuvanje baštine tradicijske i suvremene arhitekture Republike Hrvatske" (2018.), ili, pak, još ranije pozivni, vedar usklik "Otvori oči i vidi". A djeca su uistinu pokazala kako je njihova percepcija i razigranost, radost i vjera u ljepotu uvijek iznova nezaustavljiva. Sigurno je da će upravo iz ovog sjajnog pedagoškog pristupa koji je ostavio ispunjujuć trag u životima mladih stvaralaca, niknuti ljubav i razumijevanje za svu slojnost nezamjenjivog danog nam okružja i toplog ziđa naših domova.
Muzej Mimara podijelio je, nažalost, bolnu sudbinu mnogih zgrada, domova i ustanova te je zbog šteta od potresa zatvoren za javnost. No, intenzivno se radi na svim segmentima potrebnim za sigurnu i trajnu obnovu te se radujemo u budućnosti opet otvoriti vrata "živim" susretima. Do tada, neka nas ova virtualna izložba odvede u sigurne svjetove bujica dječje radosti, topline, razumijevanja i bezvremenske ljubavi.
Lada Ratković Bukovčan
Tradition and Contemporarity - Heritage Forever
A safe haven, the warmth of home and a secure environment, playful encounters with works of lavish creativity touched by tradition and encounters with the heritage of past centuries – all these make a densely woven world that almost out of habit, sometimes superficially, sometimes in speed, we pass by trusting that is going to be there for us forever. But fate tends to play with us and reminds us how it is necessary to firmly embrace, preserve and protect the heritage we have inherited. The earthquakes that so severely wounded Zagreb and the surrounding areas in 2020, then Petrinja, Sisak and the entire Banovina, instantly and fiercely confronted us with the sudden cruelty of nature that sometimes does not act in our favour.
And again, as countless times before, it is necessary to seek comfort and faith in the lush vortices of children's inexhaustible creativity. It only with dedication and love for nature and architecture constructed with commitment, attention and knowledge of previous generations of builders, that we can once again start realizing desires and dreams and creating an ever better, more beautiful and safer world.
To weave all the warmth and depth of the significance of tradition into young generations from an early age is an extremely demanding, but at the same time noble task of dedicated pedagogical work that takes place in everyday walks through playful labyrinths of children's imagination, a task taken on by emeritus Emil Robert Tanay, the Croatian Association of Art Educators and teachers of art education who have been encouraging in all corners of our homeland the desire of young people to absorb the exuberance of each moment. Artworks were created in the faith that out of all these insights respect, love and desire to preserve tradition will grow together with the respect for heritage and understanding of its conservation and preservation (!). They stemmed out of a rich kaleidoscope of imagination, through years woven into a thick network of elusive creativity, presented as part of the exhibition series "Tradition and Contemporarity".
The motifs of the exhibitions "Building – Preserving the Heritage and Nature in Which We Live" (2014 and 2016), "Preservation of the Heritage of Traditional and Contemporary Architecture of the Republic of Croatia" (2018), or even earlier an inviting, cheerful exclamation "Open Your Eyes and See" could almost be seen as fateful. Children have truly shown that their perception and playfulness, joy and faith in beauty are unstoppable. It is precisely from this great pedagogical approach that has left a mark in the lives of young artists, that love and understanding will grow for the warmth of our homes and all the layers of the irreplaceable environment given to us.
Unfortunately, the Mimara Museum shared the painful fate of many buildings, homes and institutions and has been closed to the public due to the earthquake damage. However, intensive work is being undertaken on all segments necessary for safe and permanent reconstruction, and we look forward to reopening our doors to "live" meetings in the future. Until then, lets follow this virtual exhibition into the safety of childlike joy, warmth, understanding and timeless love.
kataloški podaci: Za prikaz detaljnih kataloških podataka uz svaki rad u videu, uključite podnaslove klikom na ikonicu za titlove ( ili ) u donjem desnom uglu playera.
poglavlja: Ovisno o uređaju na kojem gledate video, prelaskom preko vremenske trake playera prikazuju se i poglavlja za svaki zaseban rad, s odgovarajućim imenom autora, za brži i lakši "skok" do određenog rada. Poglavlja su također navedena i u obliku vremenskih oznaka u opisu ispod videa, ukoliko se video gleda direktno na Youtube stranici ili aplikaciji.
Praćenje uz prijepis (Transcript): Ukoliko video gledate na Youtube stranici ili aplikaciji, niže u opisu videa kliknite na gumb "Prikaži prijepis" (Show transcript), koji otvara dodatni prateći prozorčić s listom kataloških podataka za svaki rad, a klik na određeni red u listi vodi na referentni rad u sâmom videu.
Pratite podatke o radovima dok gledate video!
Viewing tips:
Catalogue information: To display detailed catalog information for each artwork in the video, turn on subtitles by clicking on the closed captions icon ( or ) in the lower right corner of the player.
Chapters: Depending on the device you are watching the video on, hovering over the timeline displays chapters for each separate artwork, with the corresponding author's name, for a faster and easier "jump" to a specific work. The chapters are also listed in the form of time stamps in the description box below the video, if the video is viewed directly on the YouTube page or application.
Follow along using the transcript: If you watch the video on the YouTube page or application, click on the "Show transcript" button below in the video description box, which opens an accompanying list of catalog data for each work. Clicking on a specific line in the list jumps to the referenced artwork's timestamp in the video.
Follow the information about the artworks while watching the video!
Snimka prezentacije (Tour mode): video prikazuje snimak prolaska kroz sve izložene radove, u môdu prezentacije (tzv. "Tour mode"), odnosno redoslijedom postava.
Tour mode video: this video shows all exhibited artworks in presentation style ("Tour mode"), that is, the artworks are displayed in their automated order.
Snimka "slobodne šetnje" (Free mode): video prikazuje snimak "slobodne šetnje" kroz sve prostorije izložbe, s pauzom za svaki izloženi rad. Redoslijed je nešto slobodniji, no pregledno prati prostorije i postav.
"Free" mode video: this version of the video shows a "free stroll" style of presentation, where each room is explored freely, but each artwork is still accentuated, for a clear and informative presentation.
Nakladnik | Publisher: Muzej Mimara Za nakladnika | For the publisher: Lada Ratković Bukovčan Autori teksta | Preface: Emil Robert Tanay, Lada Ratković Bukovčan Lektura i prijevod | proofreading and translation: Marijana Pasarić Izrada i implementacija | Set up & implementation: Gordan Karabogdan Marketing muzeja Mimara | Marketing of the Mimara Museum: Siniša Pušonjić, Nikša Vodanović Odnosi s javnošću, Muzej Mimara | Public relations, Mimara Museum: Ana Hoić Edukativni program | Educational Program: Danijela Šoštarić Brna Pokroviteljstvo | Under the patronage of: Republika Hrvatska Ministarstvo kulture i medija | Republic of Croatia Ministry of Culture and Media, Grad Zagreb | City of Zagreb
Projekt je ostvaren uz potpore Ministarstva kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske i Gradskog ureda za kulturu, međugradsku i međunarodnu suradnju i civilno društvo Grada Zagreba. | The project has been made possible with financial support from the Ministry of culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia and the City Office for Culture, International relations and Civil Society of the City of Zagreb.